
Sep 15

Feedback is Fuel

Asking for feedback is extremely important and will help improve your next event. Let me be more specific; constructive feedback is essential. Understanding how your event was perceived by the audience and reviewing their recommendations is essential. So how do you receive this important feedback? Let me explain.  

Most feedback will be positive such as, “Thank you,” “That was extremely informative,” “You are a great speaker,” etc. While some feedback will include helpful suggestions. Let’s take a moment and get into a few.  



Users attending your event may also be experts in your field of study. They may have recommendations on how to present materials to be well received by the audience, or they may be a great resource to co-present with you in the future. Reviewing their feedback and connecting with them in the days following the event may lead to a future partnership or help improve your presentation. You may also find your event was too long or inserting a break would have been helpful. According to research by Bizzabo virtual attendees only watch 68% of a meeting that is over 20 minutes. 



Engaging the virtual audience can be tricky and may take some practice. You can find a few short videos here for tips within a virtual environment. Other tweaks may be additions you can make to your next event such as poll questions, breakout segments, or times for attendee engagement. While reviewing feedback from your attendees you may discover some users request captions or ASL interpreting. Super easy to add, and we would be happy to assist! Some of these tweaks may not be something you thought of, but with the help of feedback you can improve.  



Who doesn’t love a good compliment? Okay, maybe some of us are uncomfortable with attention in public, I get that. Good news, this will be in written form, so you don’t have to worry about your reaction! After all your hard work, give others a chance to praise you and your team, you earned it, it’s time to celebrate!  



As I mentioned earlier, not everyone is great at public speaking and may not want to come on camera in front of the entire audience, that can be intimidating. A survey or feedback form gives them a chance to provide recommendations without having to do so publicly. In addition to asking for feedback within the session, we recommend sending a post-survey link within your follow-up communications for anyone that may not complete the survey during the live session.     



 Going along with all the above, asking for feedback gives you a chance to create a new dialogue stream with potential new partners or clients.   



Either through a survey, poll questions, or brief feedback form, don’t stray away from asking for feedback. Celebrate once your event concludes, you have earned it! Then when you are ready, grab some coffee, play some soothing music and review the feedback as you prep to move on to the next event.  And if you decide you want some help in making your next event great, reach out, we are always here to lend a helping hand.   


Bizzabo Blog Staff “51 Event Survey Questions to Ask For the Best Insights” March 18th, 2022

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