
Feb 11

Gamify the Workplace with 1Source Events

Are you looking for ways to network with your team or clients virtually in 2022?  

1Source Events has ideas to help your team have fun internally or ways to network and interact with your clients. Having a virtual networking event or a Friday Happy Hour can be a great way to build connections while virtual. During your time together, you can have a meal delivered, time to interact, or the best part, play some games. It is time to relax and have some non-work-focused fun. You may even give out a prize for the winner! We have included a few suggestions on games you can play using your current web platform.  

Disclaimer: MOST of these games can be played with a slice of pizza in hand, don’t worry, I tested it for you.  

Charades or Pictionary  

Team up for charades! This allows you a chance to see co-workers have fun on the webcam! All you need is a platform that allows for a webcam and space to act things out. Charades can be exciting, and often you may want breakout rooms to let teams to chat strategy discretely. Our game show host is happy to come in to help organize the fun by providing the bank of actions, breaking you out into small groups, and keeping the momentum going throughout the game. It will be a highlight of your teams’ week! 

This same idea can be used for Pictionary. Instead of acting, just pull up a whiteboard and hop on your virtual platform of choice. Drawing freehand can be hard as is, so watching everyone try to do it through a computer is fun.  Personally, I am pretty bad at drawing… so keeping the pizza in hand didn’t make a big difference.  

Scavenger Hunt 

Another idea for fun is a Virtual Scavenger Hunt. Have your team find things around the house and rush to bring them back! Who is going to be the fastest to return and win the round? We have included an example of what a virtual scavenger hunt may look like. Just a suggestion, you might want to put the pizza down for this one. It may get messy. 


 Trivia Fun 


If acting, drawing, and running around your house is not for you, Trivia may be your choice! What’s more fun than having a host quiz your teams to see who knows the most random facts about topics of your choice? Our team loves to play this game to kick off the day with some fun. And the best part? Pizza can always be in hand for Trivia! Below are a few of our past questions to get you started! 


Q: What country won the first-ever World Cup in 1930? 

A: Uruguay 

Q: The Statue of Liberty was offered to the USA after another country ran out of funding; who did France offer it to first? 

A: Egypt 

Don’t worry; the games don’t end here! We can even help you play games like Bingo, Mafia, Jeopardy, Webinar Feud, and countless more that are in our playbook of networking games. Our team would love to help you celebrate and add something new and fun to your next event. Let’s make 2022 a fun year! If you are interested in learning how we can add these games to your next meeting or event, please get in touch. 



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